Wednesday, September 11, 2013

First Week of School Arting

I did some digital noodling this past week, because I found myself in front of a tablet quite a lot. 
I started with a quick sketch of my first newt character, Urodel during Storyboarding 2 class. 

 Then I scribbled a little purple tree just for the heck of it in my Inspirational Art for Animation class.

And finished it off with a fully colored illustration of Tari and Liss catching fireflies.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Class Work Pt. 2

The second half of my online class focused on designing a "home base" area for our video game character. The assignments mostly consisted of fairly technical drawings, so these are the only two pieces really worth posting.

We had to design five props, draw turnarounds of each, and then color the 3/4 view. I wanted my main character's possessions to be in an art deco style, while her parents' things are more Victorian or steampunk in style.

The final assignment was to draw, shade, and color a part of the home base area. My line art got rushed, but I'm pretty happy with the shading and color.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Summer Class Work

I've been taking a game design class online this summer. So far we've had to develop a character and basic plot for a game. Here's some of the work I've done so far.


We'll be working on developing environments next. I'll post some of that work if it looks decent.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I made these two blueprints as part of my final pitch for the Preproduction class. I had a lot of fun making these, especially coming up with the techno-babble for them.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Final Pitch Art for "Stolen"

These are some of the pieces of art that went into my final pitch for the Preproduction Principles class. The project was picked up for production by a student producer. The plan is to start animating in Fall semester. For now, here are your sneak peeks at the project.

Elevator Pitch:
'Lew is a little alien whose best friend was kidnapped by a mysterious race known only as "The Army." She must fight her way through their forces before it's too late and her friend is lost forever.

Here are the colored profile images for Iralew, Keena, and a soldier of The Army:

And a couple prop designs for 'Lew's wings and plasma rifle:

And the proof of concept (meant to give an idea of what the final animation should look like):

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tari the Stop Motion Puppet

One of the classes I took this semester was Puppet Making for Stop Motion. I chose to make my character Tari into a puppet, so this is what I spent the semester making. I'm not 100% happy with her, but only because I know I could have done better if I had more time. It's hard to prioritize among four classes all requiring creative projects...

And this is the short test animation I did at the end of the semester to show that my puppet is animatable.

I did a short walk test as well, but it's a little fast, as it was made last minute.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Another Art Dump

School has kept me pretty distracted from my blogs lately. So here's a big post of some of the junk I've been working on in my Preproduction class.

This here is the beatboard/colorscript for my project. It needs a bit of an updating, but this is the version I have so far.

And a sample of the storyboard I completed for the project. . .

A couple character drawings done for their little profile pages in my pitch bible. . .

And the line art for the proof of concept (needs to be colored).

My schedule should free up soon and I'll get around to posting much more of my recent work.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stolen - Midterm Pitch

Last week was midterms for my Preproduction Principles class. These are all the concept images I presented for my project.

'Lew Character Design

Keena Character Design

The Army Character Design


Proof of Concept Roughs

I really don't know. . .

The latest group project for my storyboarding class required that we choose a nursery rhyme and pick real actors to play the roles of of our characters. We chose Little Miss Muffet and picked Lisa Lampanelli and Chris Rock to be our actors. I volunteered to create the character designs, because my schedule is a little too busy right now to contribute to the storyboard.

Normally, I would try to fit defining features of Chris Rock onto a spider face, rather than attach Rock's whole head to a spider body, but this is what the group decided to do, for comedic effect. It's really somewhat terrifying.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stolen - Character Development

Part of the semester-long project of my Preproduction Principles class was to design characters for a short animation. We spent several weeks on working and reworking our characters to fully polished designs. While I think I want to play with costumes some more, I'm really happy with the final designs I came up with. Here's the full process my characters went through.

Aliens Aliens

One of my teachers wanted to see examples of some of my alien designs. I didn't happen to have much in the sketchbooks I brought with me to SF, so I made a few new drawings of old creations. 

These guys were originally a creation in Spore when I was trying to learn how to design unique alien anatomy many years ago.

This was a design made not long after the first, using what I'd learned by playing with Spore. Their mouths are on their necks, and their heads exist only to house their brain, eyes, and ears.

This is Fluffy. I designed him several years back for a single storyline that I never got around to writing. He's hematophagous (blood-drinking), with a mouth in his tongue, six hands, and three prehensile tails.

I created this race last summer. They're only referred to as "The Enigma" or "those things" by other species. They have a passion for science and discovery, but have yet to communicate with other races.