Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tari the Stop Motion Puppet

One of the classes I took this semester was Puppet Making for Stop Motion. I chose to make my character Tari into a puppet, so this is what I spent the semester making. I'm not 100% happy with her, but only because I know I could have done better if I had more time. It's hard to prioritize among four classes all requiring creative projects...

And this is the short test animation I did at the end of the semester to show that my puppet is animatable.

I did a short walk test as well, but it's a little fast, as it was made last minute.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Another Art Dump

School has kept me pretty distracted from my blogs lately. So here's a big post of some of the junk I've been working on in my Preproduction class.

This here is the beatboard/colorscript for my project. It needs a bit of an updating, but this is the version I have so far.

And a sample of the storyboard I completed for the project. . .

A couple character drawings done for their little profile pages in my pitch bible. . .

And the line art for the proof of concept (needs to be colored).

My schedule should free up soon and I'll get around to posting much more of my recent work.